Enrolment for girls and boys is now open at all year levels!
CBC St Kilda will offer a comprehensive and contemporary educational program for girls* and boys for 2021 and beyond. Join us on our new and exciting journey.
Parents can obtain an information package, including the Application for Admission form by:
- downloading from the College website: Enrolment Booklet and Application Forms
- via post by contacting the College Registrar on 9520 8589
- visiting the College
Once the Application for Admission form has been completed, please return it to the College along with:
- a non-refundable Application Fee of $200.00 (waived for girls for 2021)
- a copy of the Baptismal Certificate (if the student is baptised, Catholic or non-Catholic)
- a copy of the student’s birth certificate or documents showing permanent residency in Australia
- a copy of two most recent school reports (if in Year 4 or above)
- most recent NAPLAN results – Year 5, Year 7 or Year 9
For all enrolment enquiries, please call our College Registrar by telephoning 9520 8589 or emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Year 7 Entry
Applications for Year 7 2021 will continue to be accepted while places are available. Upon acceptance of place, a non-refundable Family Enrolment Contribution of $350 is payable to confirm your position. Applications for Year 7 close as per dates below but will be accepted throughout the year if places are available. Applications for other year levels are accepted throughout the year if places are available.
Year 7-12 Mid-year Entry
Once the Application for Admission form and other required documents (as listed above) have been received, an interview is conducted with the student, family and the Principal. An applicant may also be required to meet the Program Leader and the Special Education Convenor as part of the enrolment and/or induction process.
Families are notified in writing whether a position is to be offered. Upon acceptance, a non-refundable Family Enrolment Contribution of $350 is payable to confirm your position. For late applications or for other year levels, interviews are arranged upon receipt of application if places are available.
Key Enrolment Dates
Year 7, 2021
The enrolment process for Year 7, 2021 has been conducted. If you have not yet applied for Year 7, 2021 but are interested in your son/daughter attending CBC in 2021, please contact our Registrar on 9520 8589.
Year 7, 2022
As of 19 June, 2020 the Catholic Education Office have advised revised dates for the Year 7, 2022 enrolment process. The new dates are now as follows:
- 09 October 2020 -- General Admission Applications close
- 01 December 2020-- Offers are posted
- 15 December 2020 -- Final date for acceptance
CBC St Kilda is accepting applications from girls* for Years 7 - 12 for 2021 onwards.
*Subject to VRQA Approval