Learning Always

As a Catholic school in the Edmund Rice tradition CBC is committed to the values expressed in the Touchstones of Edmund Rice Education Australia (EREA) of: Liberating Education, Gospel Spirituality, Inclusive Community and Justice and Solidarity. The charism of Blessed Edmund Rice, expressed through these Touchstones, provides a powerful lens and source of inspiration for the College as we continue to respond to the call to educate the hearts and minds of young people.

CBC is committed to continuous growth and improvement, and the constant renewal of our efforts to provide an authentic, transformative, contemporary and sustaining education. As we do this, we draw from the Gospels, and teachings embodied in the mission and ministry of Jesus’ values. Through His teachings we derive our understanding of what constitutes a good and just life. These values especially call us to recognise and affirm the uniqueness and dignity of each individual, the presence of the divine in all, and the promise of redemption and growth.

For us, "The will of God be done in this and everything we undertake.” Blessed Edmund Rice

At CBC our educational approach is built upon our understanding that learning occurs everywhere and all of the time. Our staff and learning programs are designed to take this into account. Therefore we make sure that every situation and every conversation is an opportunity for a positive learning occurrence. Consequently our educational philosophy is guided by the concept that we are:

‘Learning Always’

The allied values are that this learning must be –

 Contemporary, Transformative, Together, Sustainable.


As we embrace and live out these values, CBC’s culture comprises the following characteristics: 

  • the provision of a holistic high quality education for every student
  • recognition of the authenticity of the spirituality of all members of the College community
  • purposeful strengthening of each individual's relationship with God
  • a secure, strong and inclusive community that recognises the dignity of every member
  • courageous and active service of others undertaken through a commitment to justice and equity
  • compassionate understanding of the needs of all
  • deliberate seeking out and solidarity with those at the margins of our society
  • deep reflectiveness which guides thought and actions.

  • Statement of Philosophy 
  • Vision Mission and Values 
  • CBC St Kilda Strategic Plan



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    please publish modules in offcanvas module position